This project is a combination of investigative journalism and radio broadcasting. Today, you'll be exploring both of these topics through CBC radio. CBC radio is a national, publicly-funded, internationally acclaimed media source. Below I have assembled a list of top-notch investigative journalism programs that you will get to explore today. Choose one of the programs that interest you and click the link. Each link will lead you to a slew of past episodes created by the program. Find an episode that interests you (the more recent the better) and listen to the complete episode. Episodes range in length from 20min to 35min.
You will be required to complete two tasks associated with this activity. First, complete the handout "Deconstructing Audio Texts." Although the boxes are small, try to include as many details as possible.
Secondly, write a minimum of 150 words about the investigative aspects of the episode you listened too. Explain what the episode was about and how the program explored that issue. Include a list of sources that were used in the episode.
Here's a list of some great radio shows.
Age of Persuasion
White Coat, Black Art
The Current
The Next Chapter
Writers & Company
This American Life
Radio Lab
Stuff You Should Know
CBC link: